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Proudly Serving Greater Salt Lake City Area Since 1957

Midvale/Sandy: 801-561-2213
Downtown SLC: 801-355-7577
Bountiful: 801-295-3449
West Valley: 801-969-1491
Midvale/Sandy: 801-561-2213
Downtown SLC: 801-355-7577
Bountiful: 801-295-3449
West Valley: 801-969-1491


Things to Consider When Upgrading Your Windows

Beautiful Home – Salt Lake City, UT – Central Glass CompanyWindow replacement is a simple home improvement that can transform your house or office. Although most homeowners replace windows because they are old or worn-out, you can replace windows to enhance appearance, security, or energy efficiency.

However, with the ever-increasing window types on the market today, most people find it hard to choose replacement windows. Therefore, you should arm yourself with tips to choose ideal windows for your home or office. Here are things to consider when replacing windows.


Your budget is a vital consideration when replacing windows. However, this doesn’t mean that you should purchase low-quality windows because they are cheaper. With a window expert by your side, you can quickly identify quality windows within your budget.

Considerations for Storm Windows in Historic Homes

Storm Windows – Salt Lake City, UT – Central Glass Company

If you own a historic home, you are familiar with the extra thought and consideration you must put towards home improvement needs, like window replacement. Often standard options for product replacement are undesirable or not even allowable due to your home’s historic designation.

Advances in storm window product technologies allow you to have the best of both worlds: beautiful historic windows with the energy efficiency and comfort of their modern counterparts. Evaluate these four criteria when choosing your new storm windows.

3 Good Reasons to Replace Your Windows

Woman Drinking Coffee – Salt Lake City, UT – Central Glass Company

The windows in your home have a variety of functions. Not only do they allow you to see what is outside, but they also let in natural light, which can help to reduce energy costs. Along with these simple functions, opening up a window can help ventilate your home by allowing fresh air inside.

Because windows are so important, you should know when they need to be replaced. If windows are of high quality, they should last between 15 and 20 years. If, however, you notice any of the following issues, you might want to consider replacing your windows.

1. Your Windows Are Damaged in Any Way

RV Ownership: What You Should Know About Common Window Issues

RV Ownership: What You Should Know About Common Window Issues

The cost of owning an RV has to include a reasonable maintenance budget. Window repairs are an important part of RV care that does not always get the attention that tires or mechanical issues command. Yet windows play an important role as they contribute to climate control, light, and safety.

New RV owners must understand that their motorhome may have more window repair needs than other vehicles. Here are some of the reasons why.

Windows Become Foggy

House Upgrades to Make Your Home Bright and Cozy

White Interior

Homeowners often prize two house qualities almost universally: they want rooms that feature a lot of natural light, and they want a home that feels cozy. Glass and windows can help you achieve those qualities in your home. If you’re embarking on a home remodel, consider incorporating some of the following upgrades.

Increase the Size or Number of Windows

Big windows convey several benefits, including increased ventilation and improvement of the view. Pertinent to making your home bright, larger windows also let in more natural light. Another option is to increase the number of windows, which will have the same benefit. So, as you plan your remodel project, contemplate areas where more light will be the biggest boon.

Downtown SLC

  • 780 South 400 West
  • 801-355-7577


  • 7985 S State Street
  • 801-561-2213

West Valley City

  • 4785 West 3500 South
  • 801-969-1491


  • 416 West 500 South
  • 801-295-3449

Park CIty

  • 416 West 500 South
  • 801-295-3449

What Our Clients Say

Hidden Gem

I had 2 windshields replaced on my previous car at a different glass company. I went back there and got an estimate for this windshield but thought I would get a second estimate from Central Glass. I am sure glad as it saved me over $140. This is now my glass company of choice.

- Steve

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